

Trumpet is a sales tool that helps you close deals faster by creating a seamless buyer journey and getting buyer engagement data.


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Marketing & Sales


Trumpet is a powerful sales tool that can help you close more deals faster, create a seamless buyer journey, and get buyer engagement data.


  • Close deals faster: Trumpet helps you identify and engage with the right buyers at the right time, so you can close more deals faster.

  • Create a seamless buyer journey: Trumpet provides a unified view of the buyer journey, so you can see where buyers are in the sales process and what they need to move forward.

  • Get buyer engagement data: Trumpet tracks buyer engagement across all channels, so you can see what content is resonating with buyers and what steps they're taking towards a purchase.


  • Buyer identification: Trumpet helps you identify the right buyers for your product or service by using a variety of data sources, including your CRM, website, and social media.

  • Buyer engagement: Trumpet allows you to engage with buyers across all channels, including email, phone, and social media.

  • Buyer journey tracking: Trumpet tracks buyer engagement across all channels, so you can see where buyers are in the sales process and what they need to move forward.

  • Sales intelligence: Trumpet provides insights into buyer behavior and trends, so you can make better sales decisions.

Use Cases

  • Sales teams: Trumpet can be used by sales teams of all sizes to close more deals faster.

  • Marketing teams: Trumpet can be used by marketing teams to generate leads and nurture them through the sales funnel.

  • Customer success teams: Trumpet can be used by customer success teams to ensure that customers are successful with your product or service.

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